Creative Thinking Wall

I have decided to put up a creative thinking wall this year, hopefully for the benefit of all my children but with the hope that my G&T lot will spark everyone’s enthusiasm and really stretch themselves.

My intentions are that every week I will put a new ‘thing’ up, be it a news story, a puzzle, a piece of art, something magnified hundreds of times etc. and the children will have the week to respond by writing, drawing or other methods in which they see fit, and put them up around the ‘thing’. I have timetabled in 10 minutes a week to go through their thoughts and will then take down their offerings for the week and stick them and the original ‘thing’ (if it can be stuck, photo if it can’t) into a big book of creative thinking so that the children can look at everyone’s responses if they wish.
I’ve also got planned to have a ‘Creative Thinking Challenges’ folder underneath this display but I haven’t got round to it yet. This will mainly include some cards from a book that I have recently purchased:
See it here at
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